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Primer Coconut - LOVELY 15ml

by Lovely
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All eyelash stylists want to create beautiful and long-lasting eyelash creations that their customers will love and wear every day.

The primer from Lovely in the coconut version is the perfect tool for this!

The primer is ideally applied after cleansing with cleansing foam and the pre-treatment. Due to its composition it prepares the natural lashes to form a stronger bond with the glue.

Application: Put a small amount on a micro brush and wet the eyelashes with it. Make sure there is no contact with the skin.

Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes at all costs. Should it happen anyway, the eye must be rinsed out immediately with water and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Storage conditions: Store the product in a closed and cool place, out of the reach of children.

Shelf life: 2 years.
Shelf life after opening: 6 months

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